Our Services
Adult Day Services
The Adult Day Services operates at the South East Ascension Complex Boulevard location and offers individual supported employment, group employment, and day habilitation to participants of The Arc of East Ascension.
Day Habilitation includes daily sessions such as ABCs of Computers and Healthy Choices that rotate on a monthly basis. These sessions are developed based on the client’s goals and desires. Day habilitation allows individuals to learn and maintain various life and social skills through social interactions, community outings and activities, such as arts, crafts and volunteerism.
We believe that all people should have the opportunity to socialize. For individuals not suited to employment options we offer a range of creative and recreational opportunities.
Supported Employment
Individual The Arc of East Ascension proudly assists individuals in obtaining employment in the community. The process is person-centered and may take a little time to achieve. However, it is important that we help each individual to realize their contributions as well as their interests in the community at the pace that they choose. Our relationships with community businesses are vital to each individual’s progress and success in their employment.
Group employment is a comfortable approach to community employment. Individuals can earn wages while working alongside their friends under staff supervision. This opportunity provides workers with basic work skills, including job responsibilities, safety, attendance, punctuality and work ethics. Once an individual expresses interest in a particular job, The Arc of East Ascension provides assistance to obtain full or part-time positions in the local business sector.
To be eligible for services provided at The Arc of East Ascension’s Adult Day Services (ADS), an individual should be a recipient of a Medicaid Waiver for Home and Community-Based Services. To learn more about waiver eligibility, please see the information provided by Louisiana’s Department of Health.
Residential Services
Supported Independent Living (SIL) provides opportunities for individuals to reside in their own home. The program embraces the philosophy that individuals should have the opportunity to choose where and how they would like to live. The frequency and duration of staff support are based on the individual’s abilities, level of support and/or supervision required. Many individuals are able to live in their own homes, drive their own vehicles and live and work in the community.
Center-based Respite The Arc of East Ascension’s center-based Respite is provided in our state-of-the-art facility, allowing a “home-away-from-home” atmosphere. Caregivers of an individual with an intellectual and developmental disability can have a break or period of rest while knowing their loved one is being cared for by trained staff. Center Based Respite can be used for a brief stay or as a 24-hour facility.
In-home Respite Caring for a loved one is a full-time job and respite care provided by The Arc of East Ascension can help supplement the care and support needed for a person with an intellectual and developmental disability. Respite services can be utilized within the home or in a community setting. We provide supervision, assistance and/or support by trained staff, allowing parents, family members or primary caregivers a break or period of rest. A direct care staff member is assigned to and specifically trained to the individual’s specific needs.

To apply or inquire about eligibility for services provided by the Waiver services, the Louisiana Department of Health, Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities (OCDD) serves as the Single Point of Entry into the developmental disabilities services system.
OCDD's contact number is (225) 342-0095
The staff at The Arc of East Ascension are willing and able to assist with any questions or concerns about services.
The Arc of East Ascension can be reached at (225) 621-2000 or e-mailed at info@thearcea.org